Parę składników a taki SMAK! Sycące bataty, soczysta fasolka i słodkie, prażone orzeszki tego ostry, konkretny sos miso i szybki obiad gotowy. W sezonie zimowym korzystam z mrożonej fasolki, która przypomina mi soczyste kolory lata. Składniki: 850 g batatów (1 duży) 300 g fasolki szparagowej zielonej (u mnie mrożona) oliwa z oliwek sól, pieprz 1 łyżeczka rozmarynu 1/2 łyżeczki tymianku 2 szczypty ostrej papryki 2 łyżki orzeszków piniowych (mogą być włoskie) do podania płatki chilli sos miso: 1 łyżka oliwy z oliwek 1 łyżka białego miso 2 łyżki musztardy pieprz do smaku Wykonanie: Rozgrzewam piekarnik do 220 stopni. Obieram bataty i kroję w łódki. Wrzucam do naczynia żaroodpornego, skrapiam oliwą i przyprawiam solą, pieprzem, rozmarynem i tymiankiem. Mieszam rękoma. Piekę 40 minut. W międzyczasie mieszam w miseczce sos z podanych wyżej składników i odstawiam. Fasolkę szparagową wrzucam na wrzątek i gotuję 3 min, odcedzam. Na patelni rozgrzewam trochę oliwy i podsmażam fasol
Some dishes are just too good! For the second day in a row I cook risotto, I can't believe that without Parmesan and butter you can get such a tasty, creamy dish. I feel light after it, because it doesn't contain as much fat as traditional risotto. Yesterday I ate them for lunch and dinner (without reheating). Preparation time is approx. 25 minutes.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
I like to have a vegan paste or hummus in the fridge, then there is no problem with breakfast or a snack. All you need is a good homemade bread. It takes 5 minutes to make a paste. If I make sure that there is a supply of pods in the pantry, I can serve a different healthy spread every day. Ingredients: 240 g chickpea 4 tsp tomato paste 1/2 tsp cumin 2 tbsp olive oil 5 dried tomatoes in oil 1/2 red onion pinch of chili powder salt and pepper water Instructions: Put the chickpeas to a bowl. Mash the chickpeas with a fork (or use a blender). Add tomato paste, olive oil, cumin and chili powder. Pour some water and combine ingredients. Cut onion and dried tomatoes in small cubes. Add to the bowl. Add salt and pepper. Use a spoon to combine all ingredients. Serve with homemade bread.
I don't have good memories with Brussels sprouts, so I didn't use it very often in my kitchen. My attitude changed when instead of cooking it in boiling water I started baking in the oven or frying on a pan. The taste, colour and smell are completely different and now I buy it as often as other vegetables.
When I think about pierogi, I see a lot of work and a big mess in the kitchen. However, when I make a small number of them, e.g. 30 and not 130, things are different. Everything is going smoothly and I don't even know when, the first dumpling is ready on my fork :) So, if you tone down the number a bit you will manage just fine!
Kale - a valuable vegetable from the cabbage family, which I often use in my daily diet. I make green cocktails and add them to salads (sprinkling lemon beforehand to make them juicier and soften a bit). Recently, I have been adding crunchy kale leaves to soups, which give them the look and flavour.
Uniwersalność gallete fascynuje mnie najbardziej. Na dodatek, na stole prezentuje się wybornie. Zwykły codzienny obiad zamienia się w ucztę. Pieczona bez formy, staje się jeszcze ciekawsza przez swoje nieregularne kształty. Następnym razem taką zrobię! Galette - francuski rodzaj kruchego ciasta, może być wytrawna i słodka. Wszystko zależy od naszej fantazji i ulubionych SMAKów. Ja już wiem, że kolejna będzie z węgierkami.... Składniki: (dla ok. 4 - 6 osób) ciasto: 200 g mąki pszennej 1/4 łyżeczki soli 125 g wegańskiej margaryny 75 ml śmietany wegańskiej gęstej 2 łyżeczki soku z cytryny 75 ml zimnej wody nadzienie: 10 g suszonych leśnych grzybów 75 g cebuli 1 ząbek czosnku 1/2 łyżeczki świeżego rozmarynu 1/2 łyżeczki świeżego tymianku 300 g świeżych grzybów (pieczarki, shiitake, leśne, boczniaki itp) sól i pieprz do smaku 150 g tofu naturalnego 2 łyżki płatków drożdżowych 2 łyżki mleka roślinnego 1 łyżeczka soli szczypta papryki ostrej 1 łyżka sosu sojowego do ozdoby: świeże gałązki ty
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Sometimes I want to eat breakfast without bread. Hummus is a great idea for this. It's nutritious, it's tasty, and I can eat it with spoons. Why not? Add your favourite vegetables and a simple breakfast is ready ... and how it tastes ... mmmm
Crunchy, delicious vegetable pancakes that we eagerly eat for lunch or dinner. They taste delicious with oyster mushrooms and garlic sauce. Instead of wheat flour, I used chickpea (chickpeas) and potato flour. Pancakes fry quickly brown, they do not absorb much fat, so only pluses. Almost ... the downside is that they disappear instantly ...
I cook soup a couple of times a week and it's not always creams. Sometimes I want one that shows all the ingredients and I know what I'm eating. Fresh ginger and lime juice added to the soup keep it fresh, while a sprig of thyme and tarragon from the garden signals my taste buds that it's summer. And baked potatoes smell all over the house and signal to household members that it's time for dinner.
Saturday, May 30, 2020
This recipe should be called Anna's pesto, because she gave me the green ingredients and I made the pesto. Besides, this is my first wild garlic dish and I know it won't last. Amazing taste. It also turned out that in Norway, wild garlic grows almost on every corner! How could I have missed it?
When I need to "recharge" myself during the day, I choose sometimes a ginger shot instead of a coffee. Ginger shots are very common in Norway and available in almost every store. Only three ingredients mixed thoroughly and you have big drive for the rest of the day. I've tested it many times and believe me - it works!
Why do I use sourdough in bread? Sourdough bread has a completely different taste than those from the store bought bread. I eat it with appetite and taste. Therefore, the whole bread "ceremony" is worth the effort. It takes me 5 days to prepare the sourdough. After this time, I can use it for any bread recipe. What kind of flour will be the best for sourdough? I always use rye flour. Can sourdough expire? I have to admit that this has happened to me a few times. I did not have time to cook then and the sourdough was left in the fridge for a few months. When I looked at it, it didn't look good. It's just a shame I didn't take care of it. If I'm going to take a break from baking bread for a while, I have to remember to take out the sourdough once a week. I wait 2 hours for it to warm up and then feed it with 50-100 g of flour and the same amount of water. When it becomes active, meaning it grows visibly, I put it in the refrigerator. And that's what I do eve